The list of documents depends on your KYC status (at the time when registration starts):
KYC is a one-time process. If you are already KYC compliant (already completed it before joining us), then we just need your signature.
If you are not KYC compliant, then we will help raise your KYC (only for resident Indians, not NRIs). We will need these documents from you (to be submitted):
Specimen signature on a piece of paper (original) (signature can also be uploaded or made on-screen on the app).
To be downloaded from Digilocker (you will be redirected to the Digilocker page and back during the process)PAN card (Proof of Identity)
Aadhar (Proof of Address).
To be taken via webcam -In-person verification video (to prove that you are doing this live), where your face should be clearly visible
E-signature on the KYC contract
Please note:
1. If you are an NRI, I'm afraid you won't be able to set up an account with us. We currently don't have the option to onboard NRI investors.
2. If the automatic bank details verification fails due to any reason, you will be asked to upload your bank document along with the above documents for manual verification.
3. Your Aadhar must be linked to an active mobile number to proceed. This would be required at the time of downloading proofs from Digilocker and to e-sign your KYC contract.