There are 4 types of statements/reports available from 5Paisa:

1. Holding Statement: A stock holding statement displays the units of shares you hold in your Demat account on any given date. It also gives out the values of such holdings held in dematerialized form.

2. Profit/Loss Report: This report gives you a consolidated view of your profits and losses from the trades you have made.

3. Tax Report: It is the same as a Tax P&L report, and it is an essential document to calculate taxes on trading income and to calculate the tax-loss harvesting opportunities.

4. Ledger Statement: The ledger statement gives the details of all credit and debit settlements that have happened from your trading account.

 To access these statement and reports, please follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Access

  2. Login using Mob No/Email ID, Trading Password, and Date of Birth

  3. All the reports are accessible from the "My Portfolio Reports" section

    You can access the ledger statement and the historical trade statement from the Niyo Money app as well:

    Ledger statement - Click on "Funds" (bottom right of the stocks and ETFs home screen) > "Ledger" > Email (to send it to your email)

    To view your historical trades, click on the top left menu > Trade History.