No, you do not have to provide us an e-sign or mandatorily complete the risk profile assessment, if you are looking to invest in the funds of your own choice.

As per the recent guidelines from SEBI, we (and all other investment advisory platforms) are now only allowed to provide any advisory (such as recommended funds, recommended asset allocation, etc), if these two conditions are met:

1. You have completed the risk profile assessment - we need to know about your risk profile before making any recommendations

2. Sign an advisory services agreement - You can provide us an e-sign (enter Aadhaar number, and authenticate using OTP - this acts as an e-sign). This is considered your official approval to us, to show you our recommendations 

These are only required to be completed if you wish to view or invest in our recommended funds. Both of these are just one-time processes and take very little time to complete. 

This is how it will look: